Resilience Training.

Having psychological resilience to navigate life and its inevitable stressors is vital for all ages. Using a Families Overcoming Under stress (FOCUS), is a trauma-informed and empirically supported resilience enhancing program originally designed for deployed military personnel. It has been provided to more than 1 million participants on active duty military installations and have demonstrated effectiveness at reducing psychological distress symptoms and enhancing positive coping in adults and youth.

In her private practice, Dr. Kanchi offers customized resilience training, where the following core elements of the model are taught and practiced across sessions:

  • emotional regulation

  • communication skills

  • problem-solving skills

  • goal-setting

  • narrative self-reflection

  • trauma/stress trigger management techniques.

    The core elements of the training program are tailored to each client, depending on the client strengths and areas of challenges.

Contact Dr. Kanchi to inquire further to see if this is a good fit for you.

Just like the lotus, we too have the ability to rise from the mud, bloom out of the darkness, and radiate into the world.